Mick Gould served a distinguished career as an instructor in the advanced training wings of 22 Special Air Service. Upon leaving the Regiment, Mick became an operator and instructor for a HM Government Intelligence unit. He worked on the CP circuit, often working alone in both hostile and corporate environments. Mick has provided close quarter skills training to military, law enforcement and security organisations throughout the world.
Mick (right photo) is perhaps best known to the public for his work as a Technical Adviser and Trainer in the film industry. His expertise and realistic training have produced the stand out action sequences in modern film including his work on HEAT, Collateral, Miami Vice, Ronin, Taken and many others, his film work takes him world wide. Click here for interview with Mick. BBC radio Wales.
Click to Movies at a glance Mick has worked on.
Mick currently based in Wales UK now teaches a wider audience through his courses at Centre 22.
Click here for future courses.
Mick below with HRH the Queen.
Mick with Michael Mann and Robert De Niro:
Mick with Princess Diana: